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Patel, 29 years old, was raised by parents who are of Gujarati Indian descent in London. Patel's rise to fame was rapid. He was unknown in 2007 when he played the leading role in the groundbreaking coming-of age television drama Skins. The following year, he won the global smash Slumdog Millionaire by Danny Boyle. All this happened before he turned 18. In addition to his role as the lead in The Newsroom, he also played the title in The Personal History of David Copperfield in 2019,tudor replica watches alongside Hollywood royalty Tilda Swainson. Does he consider himself lucky for having had such an easy life, and is he ever affected by the "imposter's syndrome" that affects successful people?

"Constantly," says he, adding, "and other people probably look at me and say, 'Oh he must be suffering from imposter syndrome'. I mean, there are so many smart, wonderful individuals who are at the top their game, and sometimes I wonder where I fit in.

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Hidden Craftsmanship

He doesn't take his role too seriously but he is committed to it. The watchmakers that he has encountered since joining IWC also share the same level of dedication to their craft.zenith replica Journalists know the brand for its watchmaking masterclasses where amateurs can mess around with simple watch movements. Patel says he hasn't.

It's amazing to see that something so simple and minimal can be so complex under the surface. It reminds me of movies. The amount of effort and time that has gone into four seconds of screentime, the hours and hours spent on preparation and work, there is a lot under the surface.